Authors - Sydney Smith

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Quote 2374by Anonymous on 28/01/2011

You must not think me necessarily foolish because I am facetious, nor will I consider you necessarily wise because you are grave.
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    Quote 2561by Anonymous on 02/02/2011

    Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one who comes between them.
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      Quote 5865by Anonymous on 01/09/2011

      Learn from the earliest days to insure your principles against the perils of ridicule; you can no more exercise your reason if you live in the constant dread of laughter, than you can enjoy your life if you are in the constant terror of death.
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        Quote 9756by Anonymous on 21/08/2012

        Errors to be dangerous must have a great deal of truth mingled with them. It is only from this alliance that they can ever obtain an extensive circulation.
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          Quote 11838by Anonymous on 26/01/2013

          Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.
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