Topics - Equality


Quote 11Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
Quote 33I want for myself what I want for other women, absolute equality.
Quote 72Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it.
Quote 384Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.
Quote 426Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity.
Quote 473More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for development.
Quote 544I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people...
Quote 551As equality increases, so does the number of people struggling for predominance.
Quote 637I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by t...
Quote 811All this talk about equality. The only thing people really have in common is that they are all going to die.
Quote 955If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike shar...
Quote 1483From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dan...
Quote 1527All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality.
Quote 1678In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social...
Quote 1811I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit t...
Quote 2685I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.
Quote 3601Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposit...
Quote 4589All the people like us are we, and everyone else is They.
Quote 4853If any man claims the Negro should be content... let him say he would willingly change the color of his skin and go to live in the Negro sec...
Quote 7642Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition.
Quote 7693Women's rights is not only an abstraction, a cause; it is also a personal affair. It is not only about us; it is also about me and you....
Quote 7725I want to organize so that women see ourselves as people who are entitled to power, entitled to leadership.
Quote 7884I am an aristocrat. I love liberty; I hate equality.
Quote 7958All imaginable futures are not equally possible.
Quote 8125We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense except that of being equal to us.
Quote 8181In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we mus...
Quote 8194Equality is not in regarding different things similarly, equality is in regarding different things differently.
Quote 8301Stewardesses are still paid so little that in many cases, new hires qualify for food stamps.
Quote 8373Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongl...
Quote 8405Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.
Quote 8643Virtue can only flourish among equals. - Mary Wollstonecraft
Quote 8661People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.
Quote 8771To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow.
Quote 9197Private religious speech can't be discriminated against. It has to be treated equally with secular speech.
Quote 9250Real equality is immensely difficult to achieve, it needs continual revision and monitoring of distributions. And it does not provide buffer...
Quote 9352All men are born equally free. - Kevin Kelly
Quote 9549I refuse to consign the whole male sex to the nursery. I insist on believing that some men are my equals.
Quote 9581Until women learn to want economic independence, and until they work out a way to get this independence without denying themselves the joys ...
Quote 9715It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.
Quote 9779Equality and development will not be achieved however if peace is not understood from women's' point of view.
Quote 10299The battle for women's rights has been largely won.
Quote 10573Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Quote 10645The wisdom of man never yet contrived a system of taxation that would operate with perfect equality.
Quote 10663One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat ...
Quote 10795There can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences of great industri...
Quote 10924I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally.
Quote 11016Nobody really believes in equality anyway. - Warren Farrell
Quote 11121If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present.
Quote 11860The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress.
Quote 12451To be successful, a woman has to be much better at her job than a man.
Quote 12494Women have a lot to say about how to advance women's rights, and governments need to learn from that, listen to the movement and respon...
Quote 12552These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have.
Quote 12588We are a model country where gender equality is concerned.
Quote 12941Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.
Quote 13000Equal pay isn't just a women's issue; when women get equal pay, their family incomes rise and the whole family benefits.
Quote 13436The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: It's a girl.
Quote 13659The cry of equality pulls everyone down. - Iris Murdoch
Quote 13828In the 1960s we were fighting to be recognized as equals in the marketplace, in marriage, in education and on the playing field. It was a ve...

