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Chat 10121 by Anonymous on 21/01/2011

<Awaken> this is pissing me off
<Awaken> i have some windows updates that just HAVE to restart my fucking computer
<{RANT}> :(
  * MaxPower (M4dMaX@ool-182f05ac.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
  * {Bitch} (~yeah@cpe-069-134-207-100.nc.res.rr.com) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
  * aliensoup (~aliensoup@heimdal.complx.net) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
  * Jingles (Jingles@cpe-24-167-108-167.satx.res.rr.com) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
  * Ladywork (victoria.r@host86-140-223-138.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
  * TostigAFK (~Tostig@ip68-8-64-254.sd.sd.cox.net) Quit (hub.efnet.us ircd.he.net)
<Mr_Power> his computer is the EFnet server?
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