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Chat 12998 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<jrh1109> you guys probably dont even own a freaking gamecube
<Giygas> Try this URL in your AOL Browser: www.mocosoft.com/open.html
<Giygas> It has several helps on the game
<jrh1109> thanks...giy
  * jrh1109 (J_sin@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  * jrh1109 (J_sin@AC9F4394.ipt.aol.com) has joined #gamecube
<Giygas> It didn't crash your AOL did it?
<jrh1109> not even close bitch
<_XbAsEd_> bitch? ... your mom here? :/
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