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Chat 15282 by Anonymous on 05/02/2011

FireballX301> this dude says that we need a nation's consent to bomb it
FireballX301> whoo
FireballX301> The Iraqi government, he added, was "fully informed" about the attack on Falluja, the latest of several bombings against suspected safe houses for Mr. Zarqawi's militants, and he said it "agreed with us on the need to take action."
FireballX301> "The point is, we didn't just act on our own," Mr. Armitage said. "A sovereign nation had to agree."
FireballX301> so basically...
FireballX301> Germany: Lets invade France!
FireballX301> France: Help us Britain!
FireballX301> Britain: Hey, Germany, can we bomb you?
FireballX301> Germany: No.
FireballX301> Britain: Oh well, sorry France.
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