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Chat 16561 by Anonymous on 10/02/2011

 *** Joins: KillerClo (forder@wlc141.cablelan.net) has joined #EFnet
<KillerClo> oh my god I'm on Efnet
<KillerClo> thank you god
<KillerClo> finally
<KillerClo> I thought they banned me from the network
<KillerClo> but I just had a problem with my ISP's dealing with the reverse DNS
<KillerClo> holey crap
<KillerClo> I haven't been on Efnet in a year
<KillerClo> this is a big night
<KillerClo> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  *** Parts: KillerClo (forder@wlc141.cablelan.net) has left #EFnet
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