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Chat 18318 by Anonymous on 20/02/2011

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    Chat 11354* gregor5678 (~quickchat@*.ipt.aol.com) has joined #support ...
    Chat 12161*** Quits: Kevin (~none@Outsiderz-1ED5F5FA.wi.rr.com) (Quit: « Ë×Çü®§îöñ » Info-[v9.4.22]- Released-[Aug...
    Chat 12300C4ndl3s: I'm Back .. DirtyMexican: oh god no! ...
    Chat 22984Nin10doman: A tail would be cool.. .. Nin10doman: You coudl bitchslap peopel with it. ...
    Chat 10893* Uman sets mode: +vvv Mode6Nine ostrich RaptorlSleep ...
    Chat 22855Sweet^Angel: hi .. Sweet^Angel: im banned ...
    Chat 9226Chris: man.. i've got such a bad cold, I keep gettin nosebleeds. it's awful ...
    Chat 10723*** UndErX has joined #help .. UndErX: sup lamer newbies ...
    Chat 22474* Quits: eLelA (~zerg@pD9520CC7.dip.t-dialin.net) (Quit: When you put 'THE' and 'IRS' together, it forms 'THEIRS�...

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