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Chat 18658 by Anonymous on 21/02/2011

 *** overloaded has quit IRC (Quit: i'm outta here like a dyke fleeing dick.)
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    Chat 22318*** Signoff: Chilled_Mango (Quit: I feel like a mosquito in a nudist camp -- I don't know where to begin.)
    Chat 22270The_FOO: Zocor's is pretty funny .. The_FOO: #47717 +(17)- [X] ...
    Chat 22342* Bart join #gta .. Bart: hello .. Bart: i'm back is anyone there ...
    Chat 22474* Quits: eLelA (~zerg@pD9520CC7.dip.t-dialin.net) (Quit: When you put 'THE' and 'IRS' together, it forms 'THEIRS�...
    Chat 22549* Kio has quit IRC (Quit: ) .. * TRR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) ...
    Chat 22160* nobu^ (*@*.*) Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion.) ...
    Chat 22100evalneb: what's the link to your site, david johnston? ...
    Chat 20950*** Cushla (cushla@Cushla.users.undernet.org) Quit (Quit: Trent Reznor is GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ...
    Chat 20974[Fek]Dragon: go ahead try 2 hack my box i been using linux for 4 years ...

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