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Chat 20627 by Anonymous on 08/06/2011

 (IRC trivia)
<IMAP> masturbating
<Guest89332> IMAP wins 5 Points for masturbating
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    Chat 8507KuAm-KuAm-KuAm-KuAm-KuAm: have you ever thought what it would be like masturbating while in a teletubby outfit? ...
    Chat 8508thetourist: just watched my lotr dvd .. thetourist: :) ...
    Chat 8956Cosmic_Bard: I've been caught masturbating before, by my mom. Dosen't sound quite as bad as that, but it was embarassing nontheles...
    Chat 9104arioch: deathwarrior: you have guests over how do they feel about you masturbating in front of your computer? ...
    Chat 8451omfg: whats the most sensitive part of a persons body when they are masturbating ? ...
    Chat 8273@LinkinEp: brb .. @LinkinEp: in 15 ...
    Chat 7571v-ger: i like masturbating with a jar of peanut butter and leaving the big cylindrical hole in it so the next person has a REALLY good idea ...
    Chat 8086dboo: shit...i can hear the cat masturbating again
    Chat 8167XClaireX: i was masturbating the other day ...

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