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Chat 24402 by Anonymous on 30/12/2012

<+bad_karma> Dude, are you deaf?  I've been msg'ing you for 15 minutes!
<@Matsunaga> Yes, I am deaf.  That is why I communicate exclusively on IRC, or else using a speech recognition program.
<+bad_karma> HAHA
<+baer> LOL
  *** Matsunaga sets mode +b *!*@*.nyc.rr.com
  *** Matsunaga sets mode +b *!*@*.bos*.verizon.net
  *** bad_karma has been kicked from #anime by Matsunaga (Don't mock my disabilities.)
  *** baer has been kicked from #anime by Matsunaga (Don't mock my disabilities.)
<@Matsunaga> I wasn't joking, you bigots!
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