/ lots

Chat 24593 by Anonymous on 18/03/2013

 *** Joins: evilmark (evilmark@monkfish.gusset.org)
  *** RyanOC sets mode: +o evilmark
<evilmark> tar
<adama> zxvf
<IMF2000> ./configure
<adama> --prefix=/usr/local
<IMF2000> vi README
<adama> :q
<IMF2000> vi INSTALL
<adama> :q
<evilmark> none of you people are normal
<IMF2000> make
<adama> && make install
<IMF2000> su root
<adama> rm -rf /
<IMF2000> doh.
<IMF2000> shutdown -h now
<IMF2000> cd /pub l more beer
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