/ lots

Chat 3225 by Anonymous on 01/01/2011

 *** Ryan_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.homosexual.opers
<vanity> wow
<vanity> you just banned 85% of the channel
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    Chat 22534farax: Silence time! .. farax: If anyone talks again after his/hre last line, (s)he gets kickbanned for a day. ...
    Chat 8063* red sets mode: +b *!*@*.aol.com .. *** creepen12 was kicked by biohzrd (banned: (your 500 free hours will not be spent here./6.05.02))
    Chat 22967* Parts: hello (hello@big-donkey-dicks-1ADB5D6F.frap.net) (this channel sucks) ...
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    Chat 12530* H0merTax (~FathrBake@ool-4355ba4b.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ...
    Chat 12161*** Quits: Kevin (~none@Outsiderz-1ED5F5FA.wi.rr.com) (Quit: « Ë×Çü®§îöñ » Info-[v9.4.22]- Released-[Aug...
    Chat 12985* DrZaius sets mode: +b *.*!*@* .. DrZaius: lmao ...

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