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Chat 9092 by Anonymous on 15/01/2011

 *** KeeperX (KeeperX@ has joined channel #idle
<KeeperX>: ...
<KeeperX>: Why isn't anyone talking?
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    Chat 186* Vesper is now known as CodyB .. Teku: why the nick change? ...
    Chat 16844--: cue_ball (~que_impor@a66b91n118client144.hawaii.rr.com) has joined #WOPN ...
    Chat 22270The_FOO: Zocor's is pretty funny .. The_FOO: #47717 +(17)- [X] ...
    Chat 12530* H0merTax (~FathrBake@ool-4355ba4b.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ...
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