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Quote 10427 by Anonymous on 03/10/2012

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.
- Plato
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    Quote 7450If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation.
    Quote 11203When griping grief the heart doth wound, and doleful dumps the mind opresses, then music, with her silver sound, with speedy help doth lend ...
    Quote 12045I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it. I love it as a musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords and harmoni...
    Quote 12196There's a lot of music that sounds like it's literally computer-generated, totally divorced from a guy sitting down at an instrume...
    Quote 4534I don't care much about music. What I like is sounds.
    Quote 10702Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune.
    Quote 6537The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education.
    Quote 6333The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them... a touch is a b...
    Quote 5263I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me to be the most civilized music in the world.

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