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Quote 10469 by Anonymous on 07/10/2012

God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
- Izaak Walton
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    Quote 696Other than heaven, the only place where one's heart is completely safe from the dangers of love is hell.
    Quote 3993The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will...
    Quote 9355By our Heavenly Father and only because of God, only because of God. We're like other couples. We do not get along perfectly; we do not...
    Quote 10204Jean Paul Sartre says in "No Exit" that hell is other people. Well, our task in life is to make it heaven. Or at least earth.
    Quote 10389O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven;It hath the primal eldest curse upon 't, A brother's murder.
    Quote 7631The babe at first feeds upon the mother's bosom, but it is always on her heart.
    Quote 10090If there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may decrease it upon better acquaintance, when we are married and have more occasion ...
    Quote 749Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, And don't put up with people that are reckless with yours.
    Quote 3084We are commanded to love God with all our minds, as well as with all our hearts, and we commit a great sin if we forbid or prevent that cult...

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