Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.
Quote 1659 | For each illness that doctors cure with medicine, they provoke ten in healthy people by inoculating them with the virus that is a thousand t... |
Quote 11709 | My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less, but in the end doesn't each person give his life for his calling? |
Quote 11021 | I'm by no means condemning prescription medicine for mental health. I've seen it save a lot of people's lives. |
Quote 8701 | If you look at the human condition today, not everyone is well fed, has access to good medical care, or the physical basics that provide for... |
Quote 7776 | There's a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. |
Quote 2081 | There are people who strictly deprive themselves of each and every eatable, drinkable, and smokable which has in any way acquired a shady re... |
Quote 14068 | You end up as you deserve. In old age you must put up with the face, the friends, the health, and the children you have earned. |
Quote 8498 | The physician's highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy - to heal, as it is termed. |
Quote 10007 | I pray God may preserve your health and life many years. |