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Quote 3063 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

The secret to humor is surprise.
- Aristotle
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    Quote 4076Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.
    Quote 8102A laugh is a surprise. And all humor is physical. I was always athletic, so that came naturally to me.
    Quote 10372Throughout history, great leaders have known the power of humor.
    Quote 10386Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.
    Quote 10819I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor.
    Quote 11046Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law?
    Quote 10368Humor is the instinct for taking pain playfully.
    Quote 10138Humor is something that thrives between man's aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Beca...
    Quote 10242There seems to be no lengths to which humorless people will not go to analyze humor. It seems to worry them.

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