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Quote 3535 by Anonymous on 06/02/2011

As government expands, liberty contracts.
- Ronald Reagan
   Comments (0) Topics:


    Quote 845Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistan...
    Quote 4051The federal government has taken too much tax money from the people, too much authority from the states, and too much liberty with the Const...
    Quote 955If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike shar...
    Quote 2531The history of liberty is a history of limitation of government power, not the increase of it.
    Quote 5012Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until l...
    Quote 10093But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.
    Quote 2860Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile ...
    Quote 13438Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds.
    Quote 13284I have long believed taxpayers make better use of their money than the government ever could.

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