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Quote 3952 by Anonymous on 12/02/2011

We Americans have no commission from God to police the world.
- Benjamin Harrison
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    Quote 3367Four years ago, some said the world had grown calm, and many assumed that the United States was invulnerable to danger. That thought might h...
    Quote 6826Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not ...
    Quote 8702Americans are the only people in the world known to me whose status anxiety prompts them to advertise their college and university affiliati...
    Quote 11505It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self- conscious people in the world, and the most addicted t...
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    Quote 9224I've been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War.
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