/ lots

Chat 10164 by Anonymous on 21/01/2011

<axi0m> dude
<axi0m> i didnt just cut it
<axi0m> I fucking
<axi0m> lodged the casing of the hdd into my finger
<axi0m> i had to yank it out
  *** faze changes the topic to '*** Joins: axi0m (axi0m@fusion.will.run-the.NET)
<faze> were u termperarily able to access your harddrive via your circulatory system
<faze> or am i watchin to many tv shows =
<axi0m> yea dude
<axi0m> it was l33t
<axi0m> then I jammed a cat5 cable up my ass and accessed the matrix
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