<Anime-Sama> | While most people ask themselves "WWJD" (What Would Jesus Do), I've decided to turn to the more appropriate "WTGML," which is an acronym for "Will This Get Me Laid." |
Chat 23415 | SpaceHobo: Hi, asl. ..
Chat 16863 | karlmex: So a friend of mine got back from Amsterdam a few months back, after spending a stint there with a bunch of his mates. Told me quit... |
Chat 10560 | Geothermal: Jesus, I can only say so many things about fat people before they become redundant. I think it would help if they all flew to th... |
Chat 16669 | BigPigPeaches: So my GF and I are watching "The Empire Strikes Back" last night. Let me say that this is possibly my favorite movi... |
Chat 4840 | cameltoe: Best resignation letter ever: ... |
Chat 4994 | Dharkbayne: Reverse Jesus is created when you masturbate in the bath and your sister falls pregnant by then bathing in the same water. ... |
Chat 21048 | Bjarni: rhyswynne: can you overclock a vibrator? ... |
Chat 20534 | reeedobs: brb...got to go poop ..
Snow: I think it's written into the original IRC RFC that IRC would be a convenient way for people ... |
Chat 21270 | Fraxtil: ugh ..
Fraxtil: a bunch of mormons came to my door ... |