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Chat 13963 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

--> Smoothice (Smoothice@AC865D64.ipt.aol.com) has joined #linux
<Smoothice> Is there any free versions of UNIX?
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    Chat 19191keithandmike-com: Just stop.. okay. Damnit, I hate you so much. You probably sit and write these down and just wait for me to join. Bastard....
    Chat 23024truth-: I was wrong, the KKK aren't racist, they're just portrayed that way by the insidious liberal media. ...
    Chat 10123--: therevelator (~none@artemis.stud.uni-goettingen.de) has joined #linux-kernel ...
    Chat 13831+me0w: the guy arrested for being involved with cutting up those bodies in london is wearing a cyberdog tshirt in that pic! ...
    Chat 22750--: Jebus (Jebus@2ee923c5.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has joined #nightgig ...
    Chat 12729oz0n3: ;p .. --: August8th (party_on_g@someip.com) has joined #thisChan ...
    Chat 1589*** Nilx (~r@t1o19p47.telia.com) has joined channel #unixhelp ...
    Chat 12404* Typhlosion has joined #studio64 .. Gina`: There! It's complete! ...
    Chat 12525Nookadum: I need to learn html can anyone help? ...

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