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Chat 13831 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<+me0w> the guy arrested for being involved with cutting up those bodies in london is wearing a cyberdog tshirt in that pic!
<+me0w> there was a serial killer, forget which one, he used to chop up kids and cook them
<+me0w> but he said he tried a kid's dick
<+me0w> and it was too chewy
<+me0w> so he tossed it into the toilet
  Tresnar (Thefreak__@dhcp160160225.columbus.rr.com) has joined.
<Aniki> thats what the guy here said too. first they wanted to eat the penis raw, but it was too chewy, so they had to cook it
<Tresnar> ... What the heck did I wander into?
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