<Ciserock> | anyways, im flooding your channel cuz your gay and mReD's gay |
<Sinistarr> | Oh no, a flood of one line every 5 seconds! Whatever will my 300bps connection do!? |
Chat 12455 | (WillJitsu) how do I tell BitchX to use a certain port range for dcc transfers? ... |
Chat 4263 | Vikki: everyone send me more pics of you all :) ... |
Chat 18429 | robb: my father passed away suddenly on thursday, and insted of spending time with him durring his final days i was too busy flooding your g... |
Chat 6675 | collie: Why did irc2-1.netcom.com sets mode: -o collie deop me? ... |
Chat 6502 | ]KOARP[-Gawd-[Aa]: you know your in too many channels when a name change causes a  (..quit..) CyplTFC [Cypress070@host-150-206-220-24.mi... |
Chat 5961 | j03bl0w: I did a /ignroe *@* CHAN in one window earlier today and only just realised, it worked in every window, and i've had EVERY cha... |
Chat 4414 | Taki: I swear I just took a dump with well defined anatomical features ... |
Chat 5424 | MrPino: how do i make a mass messager? that will message everyone in a channel ... |
Chat 8772 | philosophiliac: lol this arvo some guy started quoting the 2nd amendment at a teacher after knocking some crow out of a tree ... |