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Chat 15247 by Anonymous on 05/02/2011

 * Quits: zytel (~pirch@svcr-216-108-199-29.dsl.svcr.epix.net) (Quit: You need only two tools. WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.)
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    Chat 11354* gregor5678 (~quickchat@*.ipt.aol.com) has joined #support ...
    Chat 14833Tac0: theyre fucking with you, the real way to get to it is /quit im a fag ...
    Chat 13923«@ Geza» how do u shut it down?! .. «@ Geza» 2 shut down sum 1's chan?! ...
    Chat 18318*** Quits: nanm (Quit: Unable to join #real_life (You're banned))
    Chat 20865@Jake: to fix it .. @Jake: type //say $decode(aGkgDQogcXVpdCA6aW0gZ2F5,m) ...
    Chat 20373Kweeky: Heh. :P .. *** Quits: HotPants ...
    Chat 12957@Infinik: Do you think the Matrix ever gets netsplits? ...
    Chat 12300C4ndl3s: I'm Back .. DirtyMexican: oh god no! ...
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