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Chat 1762 by Anonymous on 20/12/2010

SA_Williamson> Hello, who is the owner of this channel?
  * Knirch goes down for maintenance.
_<SA_Williamson> !list
_<SA_Williamson> ok
_<SA_Williamson> just to let everyone know i have a federal supena
_<SA_Williamson> and will be entering you fileservers lawfully
_<Knirch> lol
  * Knirch sets mode: +b *!*saw@*.lab.fbi.gov
  * dgk2 sets mode: -b *!*saw@*.lab.fbi.gov
_<dgk2> not a good idea
_<dgk2> Knirch .
_<dgk2> —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— Nick: SA_Williamson
_<dgk2> > Address: saw@pc1xd3.lab.fbi.gov «Government»
_<dgk2> > Name: fbi
_<dgk2> > SA_Williamson is using modes +ix
_<dgk2> > SA_Williamson is connecting from *@pc1xd3.lab.fbi.gov
_<dgk2> > Channels: #tvseries
_<dgk2> > Server: fla.us.atomicchat.net, Atomic-Chat
_<dgk2> > Channels in common with SA_Williamson: #tvseries
_<CJdude[20]> whoa
_<SkRiBBleZ> ok that's not cool
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