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Chat 20030 by Anonymous on 01/03/2011

<RS-Ryan> ok, so acting career?
<Websales_Arwen> yeah, I figured anyone with an enthusiam for tropical fish . . .
<Websales_Arwen> I'll just call you troy mcclure
<RS-Ryan> tropical fish.. you think that.. me and.. oh, no baby, you've got it all wrong.. that's all in the past now.. I couldn't have done it without you, you know
<RS-Ryan> you see.. when they said I was sleeping with the fishes, they meant... they though I was dead you see.. yea.. dead
<Websales_Arwen> oh I see
<Websales_Arwen> so enthusiast actually translates to "look but don't touch"
<RS-Ryan> yea.. exactly.. It's not the magazine for fish fetishists
<RS-Ryan> that mag is called Fuckin Fish Fancy
<Websales_Arwen> yeah, I subscribe to that mag
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