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Chat 21325 by Anonymous on 03/09/2011

 * [f] Jism [jism@roach.infested.w-wasteland.com] has joined #linux
  * [f] mode/#linux [+o Jism] by X2
Ark> Jis! just in time to test my new perl bot
@Jism> k
Ark> say hello to NIGGABOT
@Jism> err hello NiggaBOT
@NiggaBOT> Wording Incorrect: hello is SUP G'DAWG
@Jism> dude wtf
Ark> cool or what?
@NiggaBOT> Wording Incorrect: cool is MAN THIS SHIT IS TIGHT!
@Jism> Ark, i am going to stab you if you don't shut this fucking thing off
@NiggaBOT> Wording Incorrect: stab is POP A CAP IN YO ASS
@Jism> fuck this i'm outta here
@Jism> bye
@NiggaBOT> Wording Incorrect: bye is CHECK YOU LATER HOMIE
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