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Chat 23105 by Anonymous on 15/02/2012

<tripletech> do old people really say pew pew pew? i thought that was a 00s thing
<@Fib> tripletech of course, winston churchill himself said in his famous speech "we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, pew pew pew!"
<fansipans> "do not want" was originally a prohibition protest song
<pmv> i thought it was the civil rights movement
<fansipans> pmv no that was can has
<pmv> haha
<fansipans> remember martin luther king's famous speech "i can has a dream" ?
<pmv> i can has cheezeburger was black slang for equal rights
<fansipans> well back in those days cheeseburgers were only served in the "whites only" section of diners
<fansipans> so it really was a rallying cry for many
<pmv> nice
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