<polarity> | your dreidel brings all the goys to the yard. |
Chat 20849 | @Keiron: Yahoo search brings up 24,400,000 hits for "porn" ... |
Chat 17550 | BenS: Matt, have you heard about that webserver that's running off a potatoe for power ... just displays a text smiley face and takes l... |
Chat 16978 | dm: I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help... |
Chat 16598 | etiolate: high:one post, a girl proclaiming she has leopard print underwear ... |
Chat 23952 | mc44: dd, a dump, a data dump / read a line from standard in / $USER, the name I call my self / make - a long long time to run / .so a libra... |
Chat 24039 | ibiwan: skype to the rescue ..
ibiwan: the one time I let myself bring the iBook in the restroom with me ... |
Chat 24970 | Evil Vaccum: have to figure out who I should invite, then ... |
Chat 24851 | * TheWoozle wonders if an antipuppy brings unhappiness... ... |
Chat 24751 | Retro: ok so this morning my friend brings in a huge tub of peanut butter ... |