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Chat 3718 by Anonymous on 02/01/2011

<Spyder-> AOL also sucks
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    Chat 10654*** thebold has quit IRC (Ping timeout for thebold[public1-sout4-5-cust8.sout.broadband.ntl.com]) ...
    Chat 18438--: dave (aqeug129@uplink-25D84252.shlb1201.mi.comcast.net) has joined #Uplink ...
    Chat 19012deathwarrior: time out baron .. *** SignOff Baron: #doomino (Ping timeout for Baron[h24-66-172-59.du.shawcable.net])
    Chat 19413Demamas: RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR! *explodes* ...
    Chat 20049jD: Best thing about a 12 year old girl, though... ...
    Chat 18420*** Quits: ZiGgA (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) .. ZiGgA: help me.. ...
    Chat 17953*** Pikachu has joined #Distro .. kurai: Gah. Fucken' Pokemon crap - hate it. ...
    Chat 15823(after a netsplit which booted most of the channel) ...
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