/ lots

Chat 4709 by Anonymous on 04/01/2011

 * jtal sets mode: +v
<jtal> no more talking from you young man
  Mash- is now known as -WTF-_
  -WTF-_ is now known as givemev
  givemev is now known as plz-
  plz- is now known as comon1
  comon1 is now known as usux-
  * usux- has quit IRC (you suck cock give me voice)
  * usux- has joined #MethaneDev
  * usux- has quit IRC (come on don't be a bitch)
  * usux- has joined #MethaneDev
<jtal> OMFG DO YOU NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP! HOLY FUCKING SHIT JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!%!!!@!$@!)(@#*!()@)$04812041892801392onetwoninethreesevensix
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