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Chat 8046 by Anonymous on 12/01/2011

<Kosta> I saw Debra Messing at a resaurant today and we had anal sex in the bathroom. (only half of the previous statement is true.)
<AmbushBug> I saw Street Magician David Blaine at Best Buy today, and he bought like six copies of True Romance on DVD (100% of the previous statement is true.)
<MrFixIt> six copies. . . that's enough for every orifice
<AmbushBug> I was just watching him, waiting for him to use street magic to steal shit.
<AmbushBug> I assume it was Christmas shopping.  he got like five copies of ET too, and several iPods.
<MrFixIt> Should've challenged him to a battle of magic
<MrFixIt> and then shot him
<AmbushBug> I was really hoping he was gonna steal shit.
<AmbushBug> I didn't want to mess up his scam.
<Kosta> Maybe he did and you couldn't notice
<Kosta> He's really magical so he might have.
<AmbushBug> I thought the multiple copies were part of his schtick.
<AmbushBug> "I see you're going to buy six copies of True Romance, Mr. Blaine."  "Six copies?  OR ONLY ONE?"
<AmbushBug> "I know this looks like an X-Box... but it is really a single AAA battery!"
<Kosta> He probably buys multiple copies of movies like that so people on IRC will talk about it and it makes his reputation all freaky, cause WHAT KIND OF FREAK BUYS THAT MUCH TRUE ROMANCE? Also, Sicilians are spawned from niggers.
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