onslaught86> | Your spelling's so bad your blood must be type-o. |
Chat 15531 | Steve: so, why don't you just have anal sex with your ex? ... |
Chat 15420 | SilentSniper: I took my ps2 to florida, and the airport security bomb checker dude wouldnt stop asking me questions... "Did you get it ... |
Chat 15643 | You Are Hemp: i bit my lip pretty hard today ... |
Chat 15870 | hawkman: my friend had a huge bloody nose in 11th grade, and he just shoved toilet paper up his nose until it stopped. then my friend gr... |
Chat 16005 | -yptosis: I've ingested 12 liters of mountain dew in 4 days. ... |
Chat 15375 | yetiamchosen: So the only part about this curse of recruiting potentials for the marine corps that isn't utterly miserable is fucking w... |
Chat 15274 | johno: yeh not alot just finished cleaning and doin laundry. ... |
Chat 15105 | BloodFromStone: XP probably has a button that summons local monkeys to brutalize my isp. ... |
Chat 15172 | {GkC}-LiQ[na]: have... to... get... out of... chair ... |