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Chat 15110 by Anonymous on 05/02/2011

CDSBIGSBY> at work, on the like, 'keyboard' for the cash registers, there are two buttons that don't do anything
CDSBIGSBY> and it's like, the button, a little slip of paper that says what the button does, and a plastic cover that holds the paper in
CDSBIGSBY> and this dude at work figured that out, 'cause he popped the plastic cover off
CDSBIGSBY> and so we made labels for the two 'empty' buttons on the registers we were on that day
CDSBIGSBY> he didn't utilize the full potential of the opportunity though, as one of his buttons is a happy face and the other a sad face
CDSBIGSBY> but i feel i did mine justice.
CDSBIGSBY> Lane 14 at Meijer's has a Self-Destruct button and a Bat Signal button.
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