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Chat 15471 by Anonymous on 06/02/2011

<_uidzero> This dewd wanted me to host his site for him one time. So I checked things out and "whois"ed his domain and etc. I wanted to make sure he was legit. So I called the number and he mom and answered. "Can I talk to so-and-so? She replied, "You sound to old to be calling my son.", "Well ma`am, your son wants me to host his site, so I was calling to make sure it was.." <pause> <pause> "hold on..." (In the back ground I heard her yelling at him for being on the computer after 8 and he started crying.) <click>.. Next day, I get /msg "Thanks a f**king lot, she took the computer and found all of my videos, I'm grounded forever.... "Quits:".
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