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Chat 24523 by Anonymous on 29/01/2013

<_RyuKojiro> if it is a vertical asymptote at 25 then he needs to cook them longer to unburn them ;)
<_kernel_dan> its a vertical asymptote from the left (i.e. at time is infinitessimally less than 25)
<_kernel_dan> for time greater than 25, it is undefined
<_RyuKojiro> Oh, okay ;)
<_kernel_dan> by now, his cookies would be really burnt
<_RyuKojiro> indefinitely burnt ;)
<_kernel_dan> quick! the freezer
<_RyuKojiro> Wait, then it would be a 3 dimentional plot of this asymptote
<_RyuKojiro> temperature, cook time, and burnt-ness :P
<_RyuKojiro> then it would decrease on the z making it just a cold, yet indefinitely burnt cookie
<_kernel_dan> and what if burnt-ness where a complex number?
<_RyuKojiro> Then he could risk having imaginarily burnt cookies!
<_kernel_dan> but they would still really be burnt
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