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Chat 3186 by Anonymous on 31/12/2010

Myung_LeshBurton> in drivers ed yesterday, the teacher said something about how he used to always look up to superman
Myung_LeshBurton> and how he wished everybody was indestructable like he was
Myung_LeshBurton> so i just had to yell out "But it didnt take kryptonite to kill Superman, just a horse!"
Myung_LeshBurton> the entire class fell silent, 3 people holding back laughter and everybody else horrified at what i said
RACaira326> hahahahahahahahahaha
RACaira326> you are a TERRIBLE person
RACaira326> you should be proud
Myung_LeshBurton> wait, i made it worse
RACaira326> I cant believe you can make that worse
Myung_LeshBurton> i said "Unless somebody hid kryptonite in the horses ass"
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