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Chat 5233 by Anonymous on 05/01/2011

 * Joins: Deja-Vu (NyCzGoD911@AC806546.ipt.aol.com)
  * GBLlInfamousGadget hits Deja-Vu with a brick
<GBLlInfamousGadget> sorry, i feel bad for you
<GBLlInfamousGadget> just saw aol and felt a need for a old school brickin'
  * Parts: Deja-Vu (NyCzGoD911@AC806546.ipt.aol.com)
<GBLlInfamousGadget> =(
<GBLlInfamousGadget> I scared him away
<GBLlInfamousGadget> oh well, iq++;
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