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Chat 10571 by Anonymous on 23/01/2011

<Louth`> night: Saint's a gimp
<Louth`> an ugly little gimp with moles
<SaintiouS> Duchebag.
<NiGhTHiNG> SaintiouS: So, as a gimp, do you just hang there and get orally fucked or do you also take an active part in your humiliation?
<SaintiouS> I am not a gimp!
<SaintiouS> Louth` is.
<SaintiouS> He just accuses me!
<Louth`> not only a little gimp with moles, he isnt too clever, and he adores the ground humans walk on
<Louth`> night: he'd quite seriously enjoy sucking your balls virgerously given the chance ;)
<Louth`> I saw him get aroused by a cockroach once
<NiGhTHiNG> Louth`: I resent that pun.
<Louth`> night: pun? :)
<SaintiouS> Screw you guys.. I'm going home!
<NiGhTHiNG> SaintiouS: What about that ball lick?
<SaintiouS> NiGhTHiNG, SHUTUP!
<NiGhTHiNG> SaintiouS: Is that a yes?
<SaintiouS> NO!@#$
<SaintiouS> Bah.. I'm going to IRCnet.
<SaintiouS> Where I have some respect.
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