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Chat 12584 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<handwash> <Darkroot> Pigsbig78: omg, you bitch! mv possessions outside; chown %n car; chmod 600 car; echo 'int main(void) { printf("x25sn", "haha, you bitch!!n"); }' > meep.c; gcc meep.c -o meep; ./meep
<handwash> guy
<handwash> translate?
<gunkaaa> handwash: it's complicated
<gunkaaa> handwash: he moves his stuff outside, changes the ownership of his car to himself and sets it so that only he can read/write to it, writes a c program which echos "haha you bitch" called meep, compiles it, runs it.
<handwash> er
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