/ lots

Chat 13100 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<Psy> how many MB in a Gig again?
<seafoodgod> 1024
<bobAkirafett> yea
<Psy> jesus wept
<[Bryan]> seafoodgod: But it's kind of funny because some Hard Drive manufacturers would say that 1 gigabyte would equal 1000 megabytes of data instead of 1024.
<seafoodgod> well, when you install the supposedly 80gb drive and it comes up 74.6gb, you know they're fucking morons
<[Bryan]> seafoodgod: zactly my point.
<seafoodgod> and lying bastards. but they cover their asses quite well: "up to 80gb" whatever the fuck that means
<[Bryan]> seafoodgod: Sure some of that goes to the partion table and indexes and all that fun stuff.. but..err....
<seafoodgod> i just want to know where the other 5.4gb went. what? did it go to a fucking party while i was formatting? did it go out to play golf and lose it's keys in a hazzard and have to spend the night over at a friend's drive?
<bobAkirafett> lol
<seafoodgod> that bastard 5.4 gig never cleans up after itself, either. never mows the grass or does the dishes or takes out the fucking trash
<seafoodgod> maybe i'm better off without it. YOU HEAR ME 5.4 GB!!!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!!!
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