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Chat 14104 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<raiden> Hey dude I think I left my gamecube there.
<Khaniber> You didn't.
<raiden> No I really think I did.  I've unpacked, searched my room a few times, and I can't find it.  I have my games and controllers, but not the cube.
<Khaniber> You've been gone for a week.  I'm quite sure I would have noticed a large purple cube sitting in my own room!
<raiden> Well I don't have it here, which means it has to be there.
<Khaniber> I can tell you it's not.  I spend at least 4 hours awake in my room every day, I'm in and out of here throughout the day.  I eat here.  I sleep here.  If it were here, I would have seen it, and I'd be having nightmares of this purple Borg-ish cube foating above my entertainment center saying "We are Nintendo.  Your console features and game originality will added to our own.  Resistance is futile"
<raiden> Just check your damn room for it!
<Khaniber> Fine!  If it'll get you to quit whining.
<raiden> yeah thanks
<Khaniber> ...
<Khaniber> Um...so when did you want to come by and pick it up?
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