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Chat 7462 by Anonymous on 11/01/2011

Xerox> Right on! Hey, there are some Thai tribes that are afraid of spirits called phii, or "widow ghosts." These spirits are sexually voracious women who have died violently, and they attack men in their sleep. The charm for these are giant wooden phallus carvings outside the house. They work by acting as decoys.
Squizzle> Xerox: Eh, every culture tries to explain nocturnal emissions.
Xerox> To quote my book: "...Ranging from the crudest wooden shafts, to carefully carved images complete with coconut shell testicles and fishnet pubic hair..."
Xerox> Yes, but this one I find particularly humorous.
Xerox> Imagine going into some village and seeing giant penis statues everywhere.
Squizzle> That would truly rule.
Rico> It'd be funnier if the Moai had giant stone schlongs.
Xerox> Well, that certainly would've made a few old Konami shooters a lot more interesting...
Rico> Options- the glorified orange spermicide.
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