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Chat 9566 by Anonymous on 16/01/2011

<BradJ*hnson> OMG, I lost my mouse!
<Dilly4> Your cursor, or your entire mouse?
<BradJ*hnson> Um, both. Isn't the cursor attached to the bottom of the mouse?
<Dilly4> What? Do you run your mouse around on the screen?
<BradJ*hnson> No, on the mouse pad...oh, I see. The cursor is the arrow, right?
<Dilly4> New to computers, eh?
<BradJ*hnson> You wouldn't believe it, but I'm actually really good with computers
  * Dilly4 doesn't believe it.
<BradJ*hnson> How did you do that? I got my mouse back!
<Dilly4> it typed "/me doesn't believe it"
<BradJ*hnson> "/me wants to make money with computers"
  * Dilly4 suggests that the best way for you to make money is to sell yours.
<BradJ*hnson> Fucker.
  GanGreen thinks he'll submit this lameness to vrlogrs.
  * Dilly4 nods in agreement.
<BradJ*hnson> "/me wonders if this is working right on your end. What is vrlogrs?"
<Dilly4> GanG, make sure you blank out his name so his family (and future customers) don't see what a lamer he is.
<GanGreen> NP. How about if I make it "BradJ*hnson"?
  * Dilly4 laughs his head off.
<BradJ*hnson> "/me goes "Just so long as no one recognizes it...I DO sounds kinda stupid. I'm smrat tho"
  * Dilly4 can't control his fits of laughter
<BradJ*hnson> smart. you all suck hard.
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