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Chat 14603 by Anonymous on 05/02/2011

jeisai> Real Men of Genius. Today we salute you, Mr. Compulsive Away Message Checker. While most people are out actually having a fun life, you are at home reading about it on your computer screen. Right mouse click, Get Buddy Info, or the little Info box at the bottom of the Buddy List. You have people on that list you haven't talked to in years, but you still loyally read their away messages every day to see what they're up to. So, crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Marauder of the Mousepad, and don't wander too far from your computer because you never know when someone's away message may change.
joejoe> you didn't type that, thats too proper for you to have done.
joejoe> where did you get it?
jeisai> it was on somoene's away message...
joejoe> so its about you then?
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