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Chat 15058 by Anonymous on 05/02/2011

Torben> a friend of mine drank a glass of vomit for another small frat, although he could have said no to that
Torben> he got 90 euros for it but i would still never do that
Alomar> didnt he drink a glass of piss, threw that up and someone else drank that piss-vomit?
Torben> err another friend drank the piss first
bananana> what the fuck is wrong with people?
Biggdogg> yea, id tell them to shove that up their frathappy asses, heh
Torben> i'm now confusing things, the piss-drinker got the 90 euros, the other one got nothing
[TE]Plantman> lol
Torben> but still
Biggdogg> piss drinker. something to be proud of, heh
Torben> :p
[TE]Plantman> which is worse? Doing something like that for free, or doing it for money? In one you're sort of a prostitute...in the other you're just stupid :p
bananana> you can fuck a thousand men and noone will say a thing.. but drink piss once and you're branded as a piss-drinker for life
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