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Chat 20897 by Anonymous on 10/07/2011

<_WakkoWRNR> I am a proud member of PETA
<_WakkoWRNR> People Eating Tasty Animals
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    Chat 1125frumpy: I see nintendo's new system is making people smile. ...
    Chat 18084XvoiD: We need more members for the forums. I've told all my friends now tell all yours. Im sure they will love it here. Come on and he...
    Chat 23074baka.yuki: i kinda want to explain to her about the positrons in bananas ...
    Chat 421Toad: I remember my brother's 21st. It was in a university hall and all I remember was eating a lot of asparagus. ...
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    Chat 20783Yobam: BORED .. spyderkinnny: Boredom is for caged animals. ...
    Chat 7547Naudiz: my IQ is high enough that I can do anything I want ...
    Chat 23105tripletech: do old people really say pew pew pew? i thought that was a 00s thing ...

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