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Chat 22569 by Anonymous on 22/10/2011

<jenna> sometimes i seriously hate my name yknow?
<jenna> like other people are jen or jenny or jennifer, and i'm jenna. with an a. it sounds weird. i hate it i hate it i hate it
<pat> yeah, people pat me on hte head when they leave. and then walk of chucklling, "no pun intended".
<jenna> LOL...not as bad as mine though, i have to say "argh" at the end of my name. jenargh.
<pat> why did mum have to give us shitty names
<jenna> i know eh...
<pat> hm why are we talking over irc when we live in the same house?
<jenna> yeah all this computer shit is getting to our heads. we need some fresh air. what happened to max? who's turn issert for walking him?
<pat> dad's
<jenna> oh
<jenna> well i reckon we should get some fresh air, afk our comps and talk irl
<jenna> but its too much effort getting up and going downstairs and out, farkkkkkk.
<pat> llol im outside on the picnic table with the supposed fresh air, i dont have to go anywhere.
<jenna> fuck you.
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