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Chat 13775 by Anonymous on 03/02/2011

<@drwiii> so ecbc and I go to gamestop to get Mario 64 DS.
<@drwiii> and i bring my DS along.
<@drwiii> then we go to this chinese restaurant.
<@drwiii> and as ecbc's coming back from the restroom, he's like "dude did that kid steal your gameboy?"
<@drwiii> there was some kid at another table fucking around with PictoChat on his own DS
<@drwiii> so i changed the nickname on mine, found the room he was in, and scribbled "What you just ate wasn't chicken." and sent it
<@drwiii> and like 10 seconds later i hear over my shoulder "EWWWW!"
<@drwiii> apparently he showed it to his mom
<@drwiii> i powered mine down and kept on eating.
<@drwiii> that was the best thing EVER.
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